How to Fix When you are not Receiving Mails in Hotmail Mail?

We don’t need an elaborated introduction when we talk about Hotmail account because it is fulfilling the mailing needs of the majority of the users for so long now. However, no mailing application can be considered glitch-free and same is the case with this particular mailing site. Some time or the other it confronts faults which creates a fussy situation for the users. The most frequently asked query which is encountered by a large number of users is that how can a person deal with an issue when he or she is unable to get emails in the specific mail account? Are you also bothered about the same issue or some other Query in reference to your account is making you worried? Then feel free to call Hotmail Support Phone Number as soon as possible.

Steps to mend an issue when you are unable to receive emails in the mail account are written below:

  • If you are not receiving emails then first step you can take is to disable the email forwarding rule by clicking the forwarding settings to make the changes.
  • Sometimes you might not be receiving mails because the Hotmail server is down or due to an invalid server so wait if this is the case then waiting for a few hours is the only way.
  • Your browser may not be compatible with the particular mailing service so try to login to your account with another web browser.
  • Check the incoming server for Hotmail account and fix the invalid account configuration issue immediately.

Hotmail Support Number | Hotmail Customer Number Canada

These are the instructions by which a user can easily fix the issue when he/she is not receiving emails in Hotmail account. In case you want more information then all you need to do is contact the experts on Hotmail Account Recovery Number anytime anywhere as per your preferred mode of communication. We are equipped with an authorized and reliable team of talented technicians who will assist you in all ways and means in order to bring out the innovative and effective solutions in context to your issues. So, don’t give it a second thought and reach us via live-chats, phone calls and emails as per your preference and convenience.


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